Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Sweeping, Dusting, Vacuuming...Spring Cleaning!

Jesse Fulbright, MSU Liberty County Extension

In between our spring or 3rd winter, there have been some days when it has been very pleasant outside.  To some people, spring time weather triggers a need to do some spring cleaning.  Today, I have some tips for you from University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension regarding how to whip your house back into shape after a long winter. 
Not only does a good spring house cleaning make everyone feel good, it is a time to get rid of all the dust and dirt that can affect those suffering from allergies.

To do a whole house spring cleaning, plan to do a thorough cleaning in every room. Cleaning household surfaces, washing the bedding, dusting and vacuuming can reduce allergy symptoms. 
Start cleaning in the bedrooms.  Launder all washable bedding, including mattress cover, pillows, bed skirts, blankets, and comforters.  Flip your mattresses and vacuum them.  Dust mites can be hiding anywhere.

Dusting is the next step.  Use a clean, soft cloth sprayed with a dusting product.  Dust all woodwork, furniture, shelves, light fixtures, etc.
Next vacuum everywhere.  Vacuum under the beds, chairs, couches, tables, behind dressers, shelves, the refrigerator, and any other hidden areas.  Remove cushions on furniture and clean thoroughly.  Be sure to do the crevices of upholstery and lamp shades.  Vacuum walls or wipe them down with a cloth.  Remember to give the carpets a good vacuuming.  Vacuum carpets frequently and use a carpet cleaner to remove stains.

To clean the bathroom, use an all-purpose cleaner and clean the walls, tub, shower, fixtures and towel racks.  If necessary, use a mildew remover on the tub and shower walls and a calcium and lime scale remover to remove those hard water mineral deposits.
Wash all floors – for vinyl and ceramic tile floors use a non-abrasive, all-purpose cleaner or floor cleaner.  

Clean windows, draperies, blinds and screens.  Wash windows and screens.  Use a glass cleaner or glass and multi-surface cleaner for windows.  While screens let in fresh air, they also collect a lot of dust and dirt.  Vacuum the screens to remove dust and other particles stuck to the screen.  Hose down or gently scrub them with a brush dipped in a solution of all-purpose cleaner and water.

Don't forget the closets and other storage areas.  Take out your winter clothes and decide which ones need to be washed or dry cleaned before storing them.  Vacuum under shoes and other items stored on the floor.


  1. I enjoyed reading your article. Thanks for publishing such informative article . Waiting for the more helpful content.

  2. This is very amazing article about cleaning, dusting and so on. It will very help me in cleaning the house. Thank you
